Sunday, May 2, 2010

Song Meme

mindbump suggested by Testube

"If you could select one song to best describe what kind of day you are having, what would that song be?"

Well, since I only just got up, I haven't had much of a day, as yet. The coffee I had for breakfast was good, though. :) That's always a good way to start the day.

The song that is stuck in my head at present is "If" a cover that Damien Leith has done on his Album: Catch the Wind.

If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can't I paint you?

Damien Leith, Australian Idol 2006 (picture from this particular song is in my head at present, I don't know, but it is in Damien's voice, so that's not a bad thing. For those who don't know Damien won Australian Idol back in 2006 and I've been following his career ever since.

He's also a writer with one book to his credit so far:One More Time.

Despite the musical sounding title, the story isn't really about the music industry. It is a very interesting tale about a young man who suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I bought the book when it was released not long after Damien's leap to fame as Australian Idol.

Anyway, all of that does nothing to explain why that particular song from his album is stuck in my head this morning. Perhaps, I am just obsessed with Damo! *g*

On the writing front, the current WIP has begun to progress again after a brainstorming session with my faitful shotgun, Iris last night. I'd gotten hung up on a plot point but she helped me to work through it.

It's now officially past the 50,000 words mark with maybe another 10k needed to finish it.

I'm excited!

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